Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Year of Unfinished Projects

On December 31rst, 2001, I ushered in the new year sewing until the wee hours of the morning. I completed a cute little wall hanging, refusing to go to bed until it was done. At some point in 2002, I starting hand-quilting it but never finished. That year was a year of tremendous changes for me. Most likely, that little quilt is in a box in my basement along with many other unfinished projects. Then there are the multitude of unfinished things in my studio: quilts, canvases, and sewing projects...not to mention the pile of mending tucked in the corner of my closet.

What's the deal with unfinished projects? Don't we all have them? Am I the only one who tends to be a great starter but lacks the follow-thru? I doubt it. Why else do all the local craft and fabric shops have "Unfinished Projects Nights." Believe me, I've attended my fair share. The problem is that for every project I complete, I tend to start several more.

Two days ago, I posted this on my Facebook:

"I declare the year of 2012 the year to complete all my unfinished projects. hahaha Who am I kidding?"

Since that post, I have been deliberating. Would blogging about my progress this year help keep me motivated? Well, I guess I'll find out, won't I?

So here is my plan. Each month, I'm going to look over my calendar and see what I absolutely must do. Then I'll look at the one or more projects that I have not completed, work on them, and post my progress with fun pictures along the way. A friend said to me today, "Maybe you don't want to finish them!" Maybe that is true. If I come across one that I have absolutely no interest in completing, I will have to decide what to do with it.

Feel free, please, to encourage me along the way, and, by all means, dig into your boxes and finish one of your own projects.