Monday, May 14, 2012

Our online selves...

In general, bloggers keep their private lives off their blogs. We all put our best foot forward and choose not to talk about the problems that are an inevitable part of life. I have noticed that this has been a recent subject of two blogs that I follow....both bloggers decided to be adventurous and get personal. The responses were numerous, thoughtful, and genuine.

Quilting, sewing, creating....these are the things that keep my life in balance. These are the activities that help me manage the rocky terrain of life. So, this is what I talk about. However, here's my moment of disclosure. Lately, life has felt like a game of dodgeball, and when I was least expecting it, I got blind-sided with a ball and got up stunned. It happens...and it hurts like hell. I haven't even had the energy to take the cover off my machine.

Recently, I have become greatly inspired by the work of a lovely woman, Masha Novoselova. She is a remarkable fiber artist. Through her, I have become interested in the revival of the Crazy Quilt. I haven't done embroidery work in many, many years. Last night, after making a small crazy quilt block, I got out my needles and floss and began.

Masha had given me some general direction and ideas for stitches and placement, but I realized that as you work, the fabric begins to speak to you. I found myself asking, "What do you want and where?" In the process, I learned the blanket stitch, the cretan stitch, and the threaded back stitch.

I have only begun. I have a lot more to do. If I add beads, I will need to go get a tiny needle. Not everything that I stitched stayed on. You just have to love your seam ripper and embroidery scissors for removing everything that goes awry. I am hoping that I end up with something that I like. Regardless, it was fun to begin something new that progresses at a slow pace. I need slow right now!

Last week, I got the border on my morning glories. I think maybe the French knots was the beginning of something new...


Indigene Theresa said...

The detailing in this is so beautiful! Is it called "Crazy" because of the amount of work involved? :)

Unknown said...

Dear Zurn, thank you for your post! and you're right - fabric really says you what to do! that's right!
and you follow it - this is so interesting! I love your circle! and that small stitches you made at fabric's pattern !
hugs and love,

Dani said...

I absolutely love the embroidery. This is totally my pace right now too.

Sherry said...

I haven't done much embroidery lately; but I have been in a doll quilt swap with a theme for Crazy Quilt.

I had such fun working with different colored floss on that quilt.

I did limit myself to a color scheme but I think I would really like to make another crazy patch piece using all kinds of colors.

When stitches call for french knots (which I still do not make well) I use small seed beads. . they add a little shimmer (plus I don't have to worry about how the knots look)! LOL

Can't wait to see more of your stitches -- they are wonderful.