Friday, September 27, 2013

Summer Recap - One

September is almost over, 
and I realized that I have not posted in three months. I hardly remember what I did this summer. 
It feels like a crazy vapor.
I will try over the next few posts to recap these last few months, because I was not idle.

On the 4th of July, my niece's husband, a chef, threw a surprise baby shower for her at the restaurant. When I say surprise, I seriously mean it was a surprise for everyone. We all found out one week before. My sister and I spent a whole day making a diaper cake, washcloth lollipops, sock flowers, and little paper diapers filled with candy.
I had a week to throw together a baby quilt. I dove into my stash and found a pile of Moda's Kashmir IV collection. Who knows how long I've had that. I tried to dress it up a bit will a little "Bluebird of Happiness" in the center. I think I finished the binding the night before the shower. Whew!

While browsing through some blogs I follow, I came across Bijou Lovely's post on the X Plus quilt. I absolutely fell in love with her version of this design. Although she includes a link to a tutorial for this quilt, the original design is, I believe, is from Zen Chic.

The quilt is quite simple to construct and a lot of fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice to read you again! :) beautiful quilts!! as you do :)