Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Learning Something New...

We've all heard the expression, "You learn something new every day." 
This year, with much hesitation, I joined the Purple Swap in the Fibre Fever Group. After joining, I actually tried to get out of it, but one of the members convinced me to give it a try. Monthly, the group swaps 6" fiber art pages. I had NEVER made an art card or page....ever! Each person in the group chooses a theme for the pages they will receive.

The person I was to make a page for this month was Anne in Germany. Her theme was "My Favorite Book." Being an avid reader, choosing one favorite book was almost impossible. How could I possibly choose one? After much deliberation, I chose Paulo Coehlo's book, The Alchemist. The decision was made simply because it is the only book that I have read three times.
For inspiration, I searched the internet for images of The Alchemist. When I saw this, the composition and colors grabbed me. 
Thank you, Kurt Hirsch (RekTruk) whose work can be seen on

Here is my translation into fiber. I began by choosing several batiks. I used PaintStiks to achieve the look of stones or mounds in the sand and the halo around the moon. The moon is an appliqued circle surrounded by beads. I finished it off with some French Knots around his turban and machine stitching on his cape for detail.

The theme I chose is "Driven to Abstraction."  My first thoughts were of my love of abstract art. I wondered if I could come up with some catchy wording for my theme. Driven to Abstraction.....I liked it. 
When I received my first page from Maureen in Australia, I giggled at the idea of a person that had been driven to abstraction. How appropriate, however unintended, for a single mother of eleven.
After its arrival, I studied it for a while, and, honestly, it just made me laugh. 
How often have I felt like this picture?
Maureen could not have encapsulated this idea more appropriately!

I'm looking forward to next month. The theme I must work on is "Steampunk." 
This ought to be fun!


Indigene Theresa Gaskin said...

Oh my I love what you did and I love that book too! I think you really captured the essence of the book.

Annet said...

Your page for Anne is just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing how you made it.

digitizing for embroidery said...

Thank you so much for such an amazing blog. I enjoyed every single part of it.