Friday, August 31, 2012

The Sense of Accomplishment

The sense of accomplishment comes in many packages. It is like a precious gift. 
Often, it comes when you simply try something new. You take the plunge, maybe with a bit of trepidation. You might start slowly tickling your toes in the water....but you try, nonetheless. In the process, maybe you uncovered a new passion that has been lying dormant within you.

Here is my first finished crazy quilt block. When you try something new, it's wonderful to have a teacher, someone seasoned and brimming with wisdom.  Sharon b, teacher of the Encrusted Crazy Quilting class has been that to the fullest. Every comment and direction has been full of support and encouragement. Take the course if you can :)

Then, there is the sense of accomplishment that comes when you have completed something fairly quickly without painful effort. At the end of a weekend, you have something to show for the time you invested. You probably had lots of fun in the process. You might even choose to do it again.....maybe even three times.

This is the last time, hopefully, that I will be "talking up" the Eleanor Burns method for assembling a Trip Around the World quilt. This is my third one and probably my last, for a while anyway. Was it easy? fun? a weekend project? Absolutely Yes!!!

There is quite a different feeling of accomplishment when you make progress or even finally finish a project that you have been working on for a long time. The process is much slower. The piecing is more tedious. You may even get bored with it for a period of time, put it away, and come back to it later. However, at each milestone in its construction, you rejoice a little knowing that are that much closer to the finish line.

Anyone who has ever undertaken a Block-of-the-Month quilt, knows exactly what I'm saying. This quilt is for my new class. I'm still not more border to go...and a crazy one, at that!
I'm getting close, though, and it's a good feeling.

No matter what you do for a living, no matter what your creative endeavors are, I encourage you to fill your life, as much as possible, with a variety of activities that gift you with a sense of accomplishment. It  really does come in many packages. Rejoice in what you do, even the smallest of things!


Indigene said...

Your quilts are so beautiful, it's always a visual treat to see your creations!

Bethany said...

Wow..beautiful quilts. Thanks for the inspiration as I feel stuck on several projects.

Orange Crumpled Napkin said...

That embroidery looks amazing. It is beautiful! The quilt in a day pattern has some lovely colors to it! I'm still hoping our schedules will mesh someday to spend some time together

Newbie Jen said...

Your crazy block is wonderful! Well done, here is an interweb pat on the back.

Marjolein said...

Congratulations on your first crazy quilt block. Wonderful stitching, good balance, nice colors, well done!