All of my days have a few things in common:
1. They are all rather hectic. I am usually rushing from one thing to the next.
2. There is never enough time to do what I think needs to be done.
3. They are all filled with struggles.
4. They are all equally filled with giggles and love!
Yesterday was a rather typical day:
Woke up and immediately brushed Mr. Darcy. He can only be approached with a brush and comb when he is semi-incoherent.
Shower and get ready for my day. Class to teach from 1-3 and a party to attend at 6. Taking focaccia and wine to the party. Get the dough started and make coffee.

Go upstairs and square all the blocks for the Amy Butler quilts while I drink my coffee. The quilts are now ready to assemble :) Make sure the children are at their desks finishing all the work they did not complete this week.

Go down and prep the focaccia for second rising. Clean kitchen. Make lunch!

Back upstairs. Prep class material. Go outside to get the snow off my car. Realize it is not is ice. Get off what I can. Back inside. Put focaccia in the oven, and ask Lydia to take it out in a 1/2 hour. I need to leave....running late. Can't get the car out. My kind neighbor helps :) Teach class. While at Cloth and Bobbin, pick up backing and batting for the next quilts, then go to Whole Foods and finally pick up wine. Go home and make dinner for the family. Go to the party....

Oh!! and almost get killed sliding on a patch of ice into Eagle Road....deep breath. Immediately call Abby and tell her to be extremely careful on her way to dance at the Wings game in Philly.
Come home and work on the ribbon quilt while the children watch an episode of Legend of the Seeker on Netflix. Hold Abby while she cries because the music skipped 15 seconds during the performance, and it messed up everyone on the dance team. A disaster for her! Have a cup of Night Night tea....collapse.
1 comment:
I'm exhausted, just reading your schedule! Wow, you're an inspiration!
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