Wednesday, February 22, 2012


The weather is unseasonably warm, my crocuses are in bloom, and we have had too little snow to even speak of it. I am not a lover of winter, but it would have been nice to have at least one good snowfall so the kids could have a snowball fight or build an igloo. Maybe it's not too late to be surprised with a significant snow storm...the kind that sends people frantically rushing to the supermarket for batteries and candles, schools close, and even the plows can't keep up with the accumulation. I'm up for it :)

I really don't like waste. If you spent any amount of time at my house, you would catch me eating the crust off someone's plate before I put it in the sink, the last two forkfuls of pasta, or scraping the plates into a small bowl for tomorrow's lunch. Disgusting? Maybe..but I do stay far away from soggy cereal. I have my limits.

We keep quite a lot of fruit around at all times, clearly more than we eat because I am regularly making banana bread with the bananas that are too brown for anyone to go near. This morning, I decided it was time to deal with the bowl of apples that had been sitting around long enough to be too soft for anyone to enjoy. Applesauce time!

Many, many years ago, our family lived near an orchard. All summer long, we would go pick berries, apples, and cherries to can. The children and I would all sit around our large farm table, each with a cutting board, knife, and bowl, and we would settle in to a long day of prepping. These were good days....great memories. Today the smell of apples cooking filled the house. When they were soft enough to mash, I turned off the stove and ran to the store for fresh raspberries. When I got home, into the pot they went with a touch of honey. Out came the masher....and then the children came with cups and spoons to have a taste of warm raspberry applesauce.

Although I have a quilt that I really need to bind, I got myself into working on this quilt and have been unable to stop. I make excuses like...I don't want to change the thread in my machine. However, the truth is, when I get into that zone, that place where I am totally committed to a project, enjoying it, and want to see it through to completion, there's pretty much nothing that gets in my way. The "Metro Goes Au Naturel" has been like this. I have a few more borders to go, and then I'm done. Then...bind the BQ quilt (pattern by Maple Island Quilts) and finish the "Rosehip" quilt.

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