Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rainbows and Butterflies

Today could not be more beautiful!

The sun is bright. A nice breeze is blowing. We are getting a break from the crazy heat,
and I am embracing the display of color all around me.

I am currently working on a new quilt which you can see here. I needed to make four of these 12" blocks. There are 88 pieces in each block. I must be nuts :)

I confess to be a bit obsessed with color wheels of late, but they seem to have an energy about them that replenishes those empty places in my soul.

My Calla lilies are in bloom.....

and as if all of this wasn't enough to brighten my day, when I went to photograph my Rainbow Butterfly bush, a butterfly landed on the flower and took a sip of nectar. Couldn't be more perfect!

Don't forget the.....

which you can enter 
HERE !!!


Unknown said...

Your colors are beautiful as always! And flowers are perfect! Today I took a photos of my neaby flowers too, but as they are Northern, they are all white! :) but very nice formed. I'll send you the photo.
I love your lily!!
Hugs, love and peace for you!

Indigene said...

Oh, how lovely, I love your flowers and the thought of wonderful! :)

Orange Crumpled Napkin said...

Wow. That last photo of the butterfly is a Getty photo. It is also my new screensaver.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I love the photo with the butterfly. We haven't had many butterflies the last few years so it is really a treat to see one.