Saturday, January 05, 2013

2013 Creative Pay-It-Forward

So, this has been flying around Facebook, and I thought it would be fun to bring it to the Blogoshpere:

"2013 Creative-Pay-It-Forward: the first five people to comment below will receive something from me within the calendar year. Your gift will be a surprise and will arrive without warning. The catch? You must post this invitation on your blog, as well.
Ready? Go!"

So, here is what I would like you to do:

1. Comment below that you would like to receive something from me within 2013.

2. Also, write in your comment the name of your blog so that I can learn something about you. In this way, I might be able to make your gift more personal.

3. Then go and post this invitation on your blog so that you can pay your creative abilities forward! 

3. Finally, email me your full name and address for mailing your gift.

I am seriously excited!

Now, here are the humble beginnings of my first CQJP 2013 block.
My mother, a collector of all things beautiful, gave me a bag of antique lace for my birthday (a week ago). When I opened the bag and saw this lace motif, I was astounded that it fit perfectly on the fabric I had chosen for this square. 
Then, after stitching the buttonhole wheels, I discovered a set of buttons she had given me,as well, that were the perfect color.
Thanks, Mom!


Unknown said...

well....... Dear Zurn, maybe I'm not very modest, but I would be happy to leave the first comment! :)
I'm intrigued :) (is it corrwct in-English?)
so, I'd be love to receive from you something with white daisies :) something not big, for my presonal use... you know that flowers with yellow center and white petals...

and, please, explain me, I should make a link to your invitation here or I should make my own for my 5 readers? I'm new in this....

Tina Benson said...

I have always been a big fan of ‘ Pay it Forward ‘ inspired things, and so this caught my attention and I thought it would be a great way to get to know some other quilter / bloggers and expand my ‘ bubble’ of staying to myself for the new year as well !

Tina Benson said...

oops my blog is

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

There is nothing better than "paying it forward". I'm a firm believer that if you practise random acts of kindness, things come full circle. My blog is I'll be posting your link shortly.

Unknown said...

I am doing this same thing on my facebook page but I will also add this to my blog. I would be sooo happy to receive something from you this year. The name of my blog is Pretty Lady Baby. It is a quilting blog and I though it was fitting for me. Here is the link,

For the record I am grateful for anything you send but my favorite color is pink.

Cindy Falteich said...

Zurn, can you tell it's been awhile since I cleaned up my inbox? Pay it Forward is a cool networking idea. I love your new quilt block. How great that your mom shared her lace.

See you soon!



Octogen-Brian said...

What a wonderful idea, I love your pinwheels. wishing you all a wonderful stitching year ahead from Cape Town South Africa

Iris said...

Dear Zurn, You make the most beautiful quilts! I love the colours and combinations. My mother quilts, too, as yet I have not had the courage to muster the precision that seems to be required. I love this Creative Pay It Forward idea (how nice to see the movie come to life!) and just wanted to let you know I will be posting it to my blog, as well. Such a nice way to get in touch with people you don't know at all! I don't think I'm within the 5 but wanted to leave a comment anyway ;-)